Monday, August 26, 2013

Getting by with a little help from our friends...and family!

Thanks a million!
Incredibly busy Saturday knocking out the upstairs plaster by Angie, Kirk and Geri, Eric and Kodi, and Pat. Can't thank them enough, especially since my back was in terrible shape! They were all dynamos! Here are the rooms after (I'm just sorry I didn't get shots of the actual workers!)
Luckily, my son in law, Pat, brought over the porch swing so we could relax a bit!
And I scored a doorbell from 1896 to fill a sizable hole on the front door. Works like a dream, fits great, and is beautiful! 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Demo slide

My husband is a genius! We built this chute to use for the second floor demo and it works like a charm!! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Baby steps!

Lots of little things have gotten done and it really does give you a sense of accomplishment! Finally got a real doorknob that locks with a thumb turn and now looking for an old twist doorbell that still works. 
FINALLY got permission from my hubby to start attacking the walls with my hammer! Yay!! I find I like doing that on some strange spiritual level. 
But the best part of all is my hubby cleaned up my new/old fireplace surround and summer door!! And my incredible son in law, Pat rebuilt the awful porch swing I bought in a weak moment. Those guys are awesome!!!!